Bury Healthy Minds is for people over the age of 16 years, who are registered with a GP in Bury or live in the Bury area.
We offer support and treatment if you're experiencing symptoms such as difficulty sleeping, low mood, stress, worry or anxiety, feelings of low self worth or panic attacks.
We can also help you to cope with the effects of a long-term health problem or chronic pain, post natal depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobias, eating difficulties and post traumatic stress reactions.
Humphrey House, Angouleme Way, Bury, BL9 0EQ
Umbrella org:
Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust
Area serviced:
Bury residents / registered with a GP in Bury
Opening times:
9.00am till 5.00pm Monday to Friday
How to apply:
Self referral or GP recommendation