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Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide


"Those of us who have experienced this terrible tragedy truly understand. None of us need to suffer alone. Together we help each other."

Our organisation exists to help survivors of bereavement by suicide to support each other, at the time of the loss and in the months and years that follow. It is made up mainly of volunteers, nearly all of whom have themselves lost someone to suicide and can understand something of what you may be going through. We want you to know that you are not alone.

We offer safe places for you to express your feelings and experiences, and to seek advice.

For more information, please check the website.

Area serviced:
0300 111 5065

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Subject Definitions

Help, support and guidance for people who are wanting to reach out for extra support within the community.
Suicidal feelings are frightening for the person who is experiencing them and for partners family friends and colleagues. Anxiety and confusion about what to do and how to cope add to a distressing situation.