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Triple A - Achieving with Asphergers and Autism

We are a social enterprise and we support vulnerable people so that they can 'Live the life they choose'.

Mostly we support people with learning disabilities, young people leaving care and people with dementia...though we do lot’s of other great things too.

The Cherwell Wellbeing Hub, Cherwell Avenue, Heywood, OL10 4SY
Umbrella org:
01706 692181
How to apply:
Telephone or visit website

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The various forms of autism are thought to overlap considerably, but the fact that there is wide variation in symptoms among children with autism led to the concept of autism (or autistic) spectrum disorder. Autism seems to be on the rise, and, according to the National Autistic Society, there are over half a million people in the UK with an autism spectrum disorder. It’s unclear, though, whether the growing incidence of autism represents a real increase or just improved detection. Early diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder is important. That’s because detection leads to treatment, and with early treatment, a child with autism can gain improved language and social skills.
1. The act of employing. 2. The state of being employed. 3. The work in which one is engaged; occupation. 4. An activity to which one devotes time