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Closing The Gap

Closing the Gap is a transitional service for young people in Rochdale. The project aims to provide age appropriate support for 16-25 year olds who commonly do ‘fall through the gap’.

The project provides holistic support for their emotional health and substance use and provides referrals/signposting for education, employment, housing, relationships, social prescribing, financial, sexual health etc.

Supporting young people aged 16-25 with low-level emotional health issues
Referral criteria is:
– Aged 16-25 with low-level emotional health need
– Not currently receiving 1:1 support for their emotional health
– Living in, or registered to a GP in the Rochdale borough

104-106 Drake Street, Rochdale, OL16 1PQ
Umbrella org:
Early Break
0161 723 3880
How to apply:
Telephone or e-mail in first instance

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Subject Definitions

Talking treatments can help you to overcome emotional difficulties and free yourself from self-destructive ways of feeling thinking and behaving. They work by providing an opportunity for you to talk in a way that assists you to understand yourself better. Having gained this understanding you can work out ways of living your life in a more positive and constructive way. This way of changing your life is very different from using drugs such as tranquillisers and antidepressants which doctors often prescribe for people who are emotionally distressed. These drugs change your mood by affecting the balance of chemicals in your body but do not help you to deal with underlying problems. Counselling is a form of psychological or talking therapy that offers people a chance to change how they feel and to live better.
A group of people who are available to support one another emotionally, socially, and sometimes financially.
Help and support for young people who have, or know someone who has mental health issues.