Closing the Gap is a transitional service for young people in Rochdale. The project aims to provide age appropriate support for 16-25 year olds who commonly do ‘fall through the gap’.
The project provides holistic support for their emotional health and substance use and provides referrals/signposting for education, employment, housing, relationships, social prescribing, financial, sexual health etc.
Supporting young people aged 16-25 with low-level emotional health issues
Referral criteria is:
– Aged 16-25 with low-level emotional health need
– Not currently receiving 1:1 support for their emotional health
– Living in, or registered to a GP in the Rochdale borough
104-106 Drake Street, Rochdale, OL16 1PQ
Umbrella org:
Early Break
How to apply:
Telephone or e-mail in first instance