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Your Trust

The new name for Link4Life. You probably know who we are but you might not know why we’re here.

First and foremost, we’re a charity. What does that mean exactly?
Well, it means that everything we earn is reinvested. It also means that we’re driven by nothing other than helping our local community live healthier and more enriched lives.

That’s why we’re called Your; all of our facilities and services are, quite simply, made for you.

Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1XU
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Go for a walk or a run. Step outside. Cycle. Play a game. Garden. Dance. Exercising makes you feel good. Most importantly, discover a physical activity you enjoy and one that suits your level of mobility and fitness.
Connect with the people around you. With family, friends, colleagues and neighbours. At home, work, school or in your local community. Think of these as the corner of your life and invest time in developing them. Building these connections will support and enrich you every day.
1.Freely transfer the possession of (something) to (someone); hand over to. 2.Bestow (love, affection, or other emotional support).
The acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, practice, or study, or by being taught
Free time. Use of free time for enjoyment. Opportunity afforded by free time to do something.
Observe with special attention.
1.Freely offer to do something. 2.Offer (help) in such a way. 3.Say or suggest something without being asked. 4.Work for an organization without being paid. 5.Commit (someone) to a particular undertaking, typically without consulting them.