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The Fatherhood Institute is one of the most respected fatherhood organisations in the world. We:

Collate, publish, and mobilise research on fathers and their impact on children and mothers

Report on, develop, and evaluate approaches to engaging with fathers in health, education and family services

Help shape national and local policy to ensure a father-inclusive approach

Inject research evidence on fathers, fatherhood and co-parenting into national debates about parenting and parental roles

Lobby for changes in law, policy and practice to dismantle barriers to UK fathers’ care of infants and children

Help mothers and fathers in the UK balance their ‘cash and care’ responsibilities and co-operate productively as a ‘parenting team’

Are the leading provider in the UK of training, consultancy and resources to support father-inclusive practice

Our stakeholders include government, NHS and local authorities, family service providers and organisations, universities, NGOs, employers – as well as fathers.

57 Chevening Road, London, SE10 0LA

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Subject Definitions

A group consisting of parents and children living together in a household, A group of people related to one another by blood or marriage, The children of a person or couple, A person or people related to one and so to be treated with a special loyalty or intimacy.